14 Sept 2010

Not for the faint of heart

I got a complete shock when I opened Money Control just now. Market Crash of 17000 points?

It took me a few minutes to read the +150 points headline and the realization to dawn that circuit breakers would have halted trade for the day.

20 Jun 2010

The Karate Kid

Watch Karate Kid only if
- You are a Jackie Chan fan and will watch even his worst movies
- You want to see capitalism at its best. Pay money (Producer) to have your son play the lead role.
Utterly disappointed to say the least

30 May 2010

Knowing an opportunity when you see one

As I was driving around Pune today, I saw a Elephant and its mahut ambling along the side of the road.

It made a pit stop outside Big Cinemas Gold Adlabs in Kalyani Nagar. People and kids around were excited and giving the elephant stuff to eat. I noticed a bannana seller doing a brisk business on his Bannana Cart

I didn't pay too much attention to the crowd and scrambled to get my tickets for a future show. After confirming number of people coming for the show, the customary line to pick up the tickets etc I set off for home. That is when I noticed the elephant ambling along Koregaon Park with the bannana seller in tow. After all, who can resist the urge to feed the adorable pachyderm?


Didn't get to actually take pictures at that time. So linked them from elsewhere.



9 May 2010

Iron Man 2

Went for Iron Man 2 today. The reasons I would recommend it to someone else

1) Scarlett Johansson

2) You enjoy vicarious excitement

Lot of action. Not much of a story line. Tony Stark's life being what we would all probably give an arm and leg for are about all the movie has to offer.


18 Feb 2010

Google Buzz - Thumbs down

I agree with a lot of Priya's comments in this post. Mainly the amount of time that I could spend doing more productive stuff.

So I decided to go ahead and delete my Buzz account as described in this post at life hacker. (Updated to remove the link since it is no longer available)

The worst part of this is that it deleted all the people who I used to follow in Google Reader. Sucks big time.

11 Feb 2010

Google Buzz

Why is it that Google Buzz seems like Google Wave in a new Avatar? Feels like after all the hype about wave, not too many people ended up using it. Buzz might be an attempt to get people more familiar with all the features of Google Wave.

Haven't seen it yet?

