30 May 2006

The nonsense file

Well, here I am watching the news and I see the court telling the students to stop striking, ministers telling the students to stop agitating, the Prime Minister and President of India appealing to people to stop agitating .................. But I don’t see anyone telling Arjun Singh to stop talking nonsense!!!!

Why do I call it nonsense???

He says we will make it 50% reservation. When we strike he says we will increase the number of seats so that the general merit students are not losing out. New seats are being created, but we are told that "NO!!! You can't have that seat. Its reserved." So if we aren’t losing out who is?

We complained that the quality of education would decline, he says he will hire more staff. Well, I have a different opinion. I have personally seen in my branch, back in KREC/NITK that even though we have a sanctioned staff of X members, we are much below that value, since the GOVERNMENT HASN'T GIVEN THE GO AHEAD TO ADVERTISE for those vacancies. I'm not talking about a week or a month. I'm talking of it being delayed for more than a YEAR.

Also, the original constitution envisioned only ten years of reservation to help the lower castes escape the atrocities that had been committed towards them. This has been extended for more than 50 years now. If it hasn't been possible in 5 times the set time limit, isn't it a valid point that the whole idea itself is inherently flawed???

However, I have a larger complain. Over the last few weeks of this controversy, I have seen thousands of chain letters and article FORWARDED against this reservation. But, I haven't seen this translate into more people actively working against this. Does our responsibility end with saying, no this is wrong???????

I see a lot of communities springing up all over the place like its the dot com boom. Everyone is saying this is wrong, we will do this, we will do that. But are we going to be able to sustain this???? I see medical students taking on the ridiculous policy, but I hardly see any engineering students take part in this. Are we also not going to be affected by this??? Or are we just going to sit back and say, no I’m on holiday, I’m not going to ruin my vacation on it???

Our very future is at stake and we say to hell with it, let me enjoy my holidays??? This, I believe, is the very reason why our country is going to the dogs. We expect divine intervention to sort out all our problems.

Arise, my friends. Its still not to late. Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached.

1 comment:

ego said...

The grasshopper and the ant was a good one....

I think people have forgotten the issue amidst the rahul mahajan drug controversy.. And last heard Arjun Singh has taken ill.