27 Feb 2008

Appearances can be..... what?

I was in the canteen the other day waiting for my order when I noticed this waiter wearing plastic gloves while serving food. The only problem was that he wasn’t wearing gloves only while serving food. He was wearing it while doing everything else too. Dusting his shirt, moving vessels and DOING HIS LACES!!!!

Kind of defeats the whole purpose of wearing gloves doesn’t it? But then again, does it? The only reason I was hanging around was that they were out of something that I had ordered for and were waiting for the same to come in. Other people were eating blissfully unaware of the level of hygiene that had gone into the preparation of their meal. (We are talking about him touching rotis with the same hands. It is needless to say that I lost my appetite.) What is the point of giving the employees gloves if they are not taught to change their behaviour? Or is the purpose to just make the customers believe that there are getting clean food? Well then the purpose was served, wasn’t it?

While these thoughts were running through my head a colleague came up and asked me if I had finished filling out my appraisal form. You know that little form where there is a lot of big talk on your “achievements” through out the year. The one that everyone adds “a little extra” so that it “looks like” you have done a lot more than u really have……

1 comment:

Princess Stefania said...

Oh dear. I think I'll eat at home more often.
I never thought about the sterility of the gloves before.