2 May 2015

Power packed - Tesla Power Wall and Power Pack

Henry Ford is reported to have said - "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses". This was of course in a time of horse drawn carriages and when he introduced internal combustion engine cars.

Elon Musk is known to have said, "We happen to have a handy fusion reactor in the sky, called the sun." And boy has be decided to change the game. If you haven't watched it already, you should watch the announcement of Tesla Power Wall. When this takes off, it will effectively reduce the marginal cost of energy to zero. When I say marginal cost, each additional unit is free. There is a one time installation cost, but then each unit is free. What happens when energy becomes free? What happens when we no longer have to worry about fossil fuels and global warming? The possibilities are endless.

The future seems exciting. I'm sure we are going to have bumps along the way. Where do we get that much Lithium from? Will we start having to worry about Lithium poisoning? The battery is huge (as seen in the pic)

But, the time for that will come. In the meantime, lets rejoice in the vision that the man has been able to paint. 

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