7 Mar 2007

life matters

Clichéd though it may seem, one wonders what life is coming to. Seriously! I open the paper today to see a news report on fakeyourspace.com. The guy is actually making fake model (obviously female) profiles and will add you to this profiles friend list / scrap you for 98 cents per month per “friend”. If you are saying that’s weird or gross consider that he has such a huge clientele that a modeling site from which he lifted the photos has sent him a legal notice to remove those profiles. If that still doesn’t give you an idea on how big this thing is consider that he has hired two people to do this all day long.

Is impression everything? I mean, I have come across people padding their resumes to land that job but to fake your friends? To fake your social life? Is there no limit to the lies we will tell? I mean, the other day there was a review about a book titled “How to speak on books you haven’t read”. Ironical though the book may be titled it does make one wonder, what is the need to behave like you have read the book if you haven’t? Maybe we will have a book soon on “how to speak on the book that teaches you to speak on books you haven’t read”

Seems like a person who doesn’t have a life or personality of his own is seeking recognition and self worth in other people who probably doesn’t have one either. WIERD

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