29 Aug 2006

Healthy paranoia?

It so happens that a bunch of family friends come down from the US of A and we go out for lunch. As we are ordering, the waiter asks whether we want "mineral water" or ordinary water. Now ordinarily, ordinary water is fine. But no. We need "mineral water". When it comes it is religiously put into glasses and drunk for good etiquette. Wait a sec. Were these glasses washed in "mineral water"? Yeah. I guess so. Tap water in India should have lots of dissolved minerals in them!!!!!

Have we gone a little too far with this safe, clean, healthy meals? I mean, look at a daily wage labourer digging the side of the road. The construction site labourers. Muscular and fit. Working in the sun for hours together and back at work the next day. Do they even know what a balanced meal is? Do they have any idea what proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates are? Yet, I believe they have more strength and stamina than we "healthy" people who complain of having to sit for eight hours at work.


Deep said...

Reminds me of Vipin who used to get the filter water back in hostel and then boil it to drink. :)

But the immmune system of people is to be considered too. I have noticed that people who have unhealthy habits, generally have stronger immune systems too. This is just an observation like yours and not necessarily a fact. :)

Anonymous said...

The daily wage labourers have high resistance to diseases.this is because they are grown up in such environment..
Kids shud be allowed to play in the mud outside the home..they'll get immunity against the diseases..but nowadys kids are given so much care that in a class if i kid gets fever.da entire class wil get it..

ego said...

At times, you just can't help it. I agree that your immune system develops only by exposure to various kinds of microbes. But until your body generates anti-bodies or anti-gens or whatever, against them, you gotta suffer from infections caused by these microbes. It takes time, and it's this short term suffering that people don't want.

Most of them will stay in this place for hardly a month, so they consider all these as unnecessary hassles. So go bisleri!!!

Anonymous said...

here in GB, i think even we need to boil the filter before drinking.
one girl was down with hepatitis A all of a sudden, due to the water in the cooler.

Anonymous said...

Hey..what do you think about coke & pepsi being banned out of India with allegations that they donot filter their water (containing pesticides) properly ?

Do you support the companies or do you support the "Indian" environmentalists?

White Knight said...

Sorry everyone. got shifted to gujrat and no internet access as of now.

@ uday:
check out http://knightinwhite.blogspot.com/2006/08/pesti-cola.html

i believe it too.The body develops to keep pace. you do manual labour/work out you have well toned muscles. u rack your brain, u keep it sharp. So if u pamper your immune system, it will go into hibernation.

bisleri, aquafina or kinley. unless you going to drink it out of the bottle u still going to get the microbes from the glass.

All i can say is shanti telgam is too stressed out trying to keep up with the gb inmates activities that she is neglecting her duties. ;)

On the other hand, i think its really serious. u cant develop resistance to hepatites. Go balastic on shivkumar or get varsha to do so. something needs to be done.