4 Aug 2006

Pesti cola

Head for the hills!!!! The aliens have landed !!! They seek to wipe out our entire race by poisoning our most widely consumed brands!!!!!!!!!

Thats the kind of impression one would get if you were to read into the news reports on how there has been an increase in the amount of pesticides in Pepsi and Coke over the last three years. I mean, the way it was being reported made me visualize a big vat where these people are making a big cocktail of these pesticides and then spraying it into each bottle before it left the factory!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds ridiculous? Yes it is ridiculous. A normal cola has water, sugar, carbon dioxide and essence. Logically, if they aren't spraying a pesticide cocktail into the drink, it has to come from the raw materials. So where does that leave us?? The ground water and the water used to make sugar cane (from which we get the sugar) has much higher levels of pesticides.

Hence the CSE and citizens like us should first find out what is the pesticide content of the water that is being supplied to us.

This post is dedicated to my bro-in-law as it is the result of a conversation with him.


Anonymous said...

i agree that it might be a problem with the raw materials, but shouldnt mncs like Pepsi and Coke follow their own standards? shouldnt they have reported that the water they were using was too high in pesticide contents that they cant establish base here? that seems a more logical and responsible reaction, doesnt it?

ego said...

Can't establish base? Why not?
What if they do have a standard which says -"Relative to the impurity of ground water in a nation/state X, we will make sure to restrict out contribution to *contaminantion* within Y%" ?
Ain't that logical enough?

Companies like pepsi and coke are in business to make money. They don't claim they have any *nutritional* in these cold drinks. So long as it does not cause food poisoning, should they really care about standards?

By doing so, they would only be insulting the immunity that we indians have developed over the years against high-in-pesticide-water!! ;)

White Knight said...

check out
http://kripsgyan.blogspot.com/2006/08/pepsi-refutes-cse-fundings.html for pepsi's version of events.