5 Jul 2013

How do you leave the place a little better than you found it - Article for the day 5 July

Came across this talk by Elon Musk. I must say that I have seen a lot of TED talks but this one felt very different. Take your fortune and betting it on something you believe in, irrespective of what other people tell you the risks are. In other words - he lives up to putting your money where your mouth is.


A much more detailed documentary is available at http://www.bloomberg.com/video/73460184-elon-musk-profiled-bloomberg-risk-takers.html

P.S. The logic behind these posts can be found in this post


Anonymous said...

Looks like FT also decide to get interested in the fate of Tesla. http://on.ft.com/19UFbKd

Anonymous said...

Machan.... Clickable URL please :|

White Knight said...

Oops. I didn't realize that links were not clickable. Corrected now.

Alpesh said...

Elon Musk at D11 Conference -


Alpesh said...

This is what I meant to post in earlier link-
